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First Congregational Church of South Windsor
United Church of Christ

Our History
First Congregational Church in South Windsor has a very long history. We are among the earliest churches founded in the United States shortly after the great migration of Puritans from England to the New World. In the 17th century the farmers on the east side of the Connecticut River in the area known today as South Windsor attended worship on the Windsor side of the river. They successfully petitioned for a congregation to be granted permission to gather on the eastern side of the river.
In 1694, the founding members of our congregation began gathering in South Windsor on Main Street. Our first pastor was Timothy Edwards, a brilliant scholar and theologian. Timothy became the father of Jonathan Edwards, who played a significant role in the First Great Awakening as a fiery preacher, theologian, and philosopher.
In our 330 year history we have been served by 35 pastors. The church has occupied 4 different buildings in different locations, all on Main Street. In 1846, the congregation moved into its current home. In the 1950's the church building was enlarged with an extensive addition to the rear of the sanctuary. During the same period, the Wolcott Chapel, the home for our Christian education ministries, was built next to the church.

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