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First Congregational Church of South Windsor
United Church of Christ

United Church Workers focuses on fellowship, providing support for youth scholarships, maintaining the heart of our community’s hospitality – the kitchen & Fellowship Hall, and organizing the Church Holiday Fair. The UCW welcomes ALL members and friends. We encourage you to join us for fun and fellowship at our programs. You do not need to be a member to attend these activities. Crafting and work for our fair begins in late January to prepare for next year's fair. We meet almost every Friday from 1pm-4pm throughout the year. Come join us!
Creative Hands - Creative Hands grew out of a group that met to knit prayer shawls. Now, in addition to maintaining an inventory of prayer shawls, the group teaches people to knit or crochet and assist, as needed, with other craft-related projects. Creative Hands also works on a variety of mission projects (comfort dolls, baby sweaters for unwed mothers, lap quilts for veterans, and assembling Clean-Up buckets for Church World Service. In the fall, the focus shifts to making crafts for the Church Holiday Fair. Creative Hands meets on Wednesday mornings at 10 am.
Book Group - The Third Wednesday book group meets most months @ Noon in the Chapel.
Lunch Bunch - Founded as a gathering for retired men, the lunch bunch is open to anyone who wants to meet over a brown bag lunch. The lunch group meets September to June on third Thursday of month at 11:30.
Other Groups that call us home:
4-H Camp Board of Directors - The Hartford County 4-H Camp Board of Directors holds its monthly meetings on selected evenings in Fellowship Hall.
Sewin4Servicemen (and women) - First Church is proud to host the community quilting event in our lower Fellowship Hall. We are joined by friends all over the area for the community quilting sessions, typically held during the winter months. The lap quilts produced during these sew-ins are given to area veterans in local assisted living and long-term care facilities.
South Windsor Community Chorus - we are pleased to provide rehearsal and performance space on an as-needed basis for the very talented chorus.

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