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“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”

Philippians 4:67; “The Message”


Good Morning, Members and Friends,

      Most of you are aware that the onset of the Coronavirus has become a health concern worthy of our most judicious attention, not only for our own personal health and the health of those in our charge, but for the common good of others – loving our neighbor as ourselves.

     Cancellations of schools, state and local government activities and services, commerce, and yes, religious institution and houses of worship events are among the many entities affected. All are being asked to assist the greater community effort in an effort to stem the spread of the virus.

      Yesterday, March 12, along with many other governmental and secular organizations, the United Church of Christ Southern New England Conference recommended that all churches close for two weeks. In that light and taking many factors into consideration, I am writing to you today to advise you that the decision has been made to curtail all previously scheduled activities at the church through Saturday, March 28. This includes worship on the 15th and 22nd. Church School classes are also cancelled. Towards the end of the two-week period, church leadership will be reassessing the situation going forward.

     Please be assured that this decision has been made with much discernment by your church leadership team, and not lightly. Though not a popular decision perhaps, it is a necessary one. This is something we can do to help. It’s the least we can do.

     The Business Office will also be closed. Carrie Morse, Administrative Assistant will be working remotely. Please do not ‘stop by’ the Church to see how things are going. The idea is to limit contact. The fluid situation will be monitored daily, along with the phones and email. Should you have a pastoral concern, please, as always, call the office at 860-528-7992 and leave a message for Rev. Nina, or contact her directly at 860-235-8835. 

     Committee Chairs: Please contact the members of your committees to ensure they have received this information. Also, we will be calling members who are not on email, but if you think of anyone yourselves, please give them a courtesy call. Multiple calls are better than none.

Newsletter Contributors: Please continue to email your articles by the deadline of March 15th.

    Everyone: Please stay tuned for additional emails, website and Facebook posts, phone messages and written communications as are deemed necessary or spiritually supportive. Again, share information with neighbors and friends who may not be ‘connected’ electronically.

     Please know that your church is not deserting you, but offering itself to the world as a loving congregation in support of stemming this tide.

     Realizing that this is the season of Lent, it is particularly appropriate to reflect upon what Jesus’ journey to the cross means to us, as always, and particularly in this context as we navigate our way through this challenging time. You are not alone. We are in this together. Let not your hearts be troubled.

Thank you for your cooperation, understanding, patience and prayers for all.

In hope in Christ,

Rev. Nina


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